Friday, 17 March 2017

Top 4 Tips To Avoid Carpentry Accidents And Why You Definitively Need Carpentry Insurance In Case


For many of us carpenters, work can be as therapeutic as it is rewarding - however there are times when even the most seasoned pros need to take precautions to avoid more than just a blistering splinter! Here’s how you can avoid accidents and why carpentry insurance is a must in those situations when problems do arise.

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  1. Make sure your tools are in proper functioning order and ladders are securely positioned before use (you can’t defy gravity, unfortunately). Always observe maintenance dates for equipment because you never know when they may break down or malfunction. The last you want is your screwdriver having a mind of its own!

  1. Ensure safety protocols are followed so neither you or your client are likely to be injured. This includes wearing appropriate safety harnesses and notifying clients of hazards. Most workplace injuries are due to physical accidents such as trips and tools-inflicted cuts, and this is reflected in the large proportion of carpentry insurance claims that are made due to an accident. As funny as it is watching people on the internet fall over, you won’t be laughing if you’re responsible for your client injuring themselves and you have to pay out of your own pocket (if you don’t have carpentry insurance, especially).

  1. Warm up before you start work. This may be elementary advice but this is often overlooked since poor habits can lead to recurring back ache and muscular issues which are extremely common. I’m not suggesting that you have Zumba class before you work, but at least ensure that you’re stretching as part of your pre and post-work routine.
  2. When working with wood, try to ensure that your workplace well ventilated and that  workplace machinery limits the spread of wood dust. You don’t want to inhale any wood or any other powdery substance at your workplace for that matter (you’re not the Wolf of Wall Street). The Health and Safety Executive has an Exposure Limit (WEL) of 5mg/m3, which prevents asthma and other complications like cancer that result from inhaling wood dust.

Why Carpentry Insurance Is A Must

There will be the rare, but unfortunate, circumstances when accidents do happen, whether its damage to your client's property, injury, or situations when you’re requiring legal assistance. That’s why it’s always good to have insurance to have your back. Low cost and comprehensive carpentry insurance is not difficult to come by and worth it’s weight in gold.

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